Monday, September 04, 2006

Don't call it a comebackk!!

I hope you enjoyed the "Best of the Playhouse" last week. Props to Kalvin Geena and Sienna for holding down the fort so well. I love my crew. In fact I have another announcement to make about the Playhouses' line-up tomorrow morning. (Don't worry, it's a good one.) I also hope you're as ready as I am for new live shows starting tomorrow. More on that after a few quick Nuggets Of Awesomeness!

Quick diversion because I know you don't want to work to hard on your first day back from a 3 day weekend. Turn the sound on your computer down real low and enjoy one of my favorite Conan O'Brian bits of all time:

Mad funny Conan.

Am I easily ammused?...I guess so, since I find The Hotel Bed Jumping Headquarters to be a fascinating diversion. Maybe it's because I just went on a trip and was reminded of how irresistable it is to jump on a freshly made hotel bed. I need to get some sweet pics next time:

Final nugget since I know you'll be watching the clock today. Make it a little bit more interesting by going to . Open up the clock then reduce it into the handy little window you can just put in the corner of the screen and you'll have one more diversion from your daily workload.

I posted this at:

R.I.P to Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter. I've heard some people today saying they "don't feel that bad for him, after all he was asking for it by doing all those crazy things!" Do you agree? We'll discuss that tomorrow morning. Also, we had Steve on the show a while back we'll play you back that interview and we'll talk to a local expert about what dangers San Diego Sea life pose to us. On a lighter note- Kalvin was telling me yesterday about the time he saw his own mom get into a fight. That should make a funny call in segment- Tune in for Mom Fights at 7:35. We have a new round of "How'd You Meet" at 8 oclock , Geena's Blog at 8:35 and we'll talk "clothes that women WANT thier man to wear" with Nick at 8:45

Have a great night and I'll talk with you in the morning!


At 2:43 PM, Blogger lily said...

I absolutely love the site with the bed jumping pictures...I always have a bunch of pictures with me and my friends jumping like that...I'm not alone...its a great feeling.


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