Monday, September 11, 2006

Okay, it's gonna be a quick one today, I've got a Raiders/Chargers game to watch. Speaking of which, I have to give props to Hula, walking around the Oakland Coleseum in Charger gear is one of the riskiest stunts he's ever done and even pulled it off like a champ. If you missed today's show be sure to catch the "Best Of" this weekend.

I've been thinking about doing a segment once a week where I share some of the good news in the world that often gets buried under the bad stuff. If I do it I know that will be put to good use.

This next spot is going to be either useless to you or totally freakin awesome. It's designed for people like me who are always scribbling ideas down on scraps of paper and carrying them around in thier pockets. I have a blackberry but I still scribble notes on paper. Well, lately my notes have been more organised and easier to find thanks to .

Watch this monkey check out this dogs package and then laugh at it!

Monkeys rule.

I like complaining about annoying commercials as much as you do. Complain away at:

Tomorrow on the Show.

6:20 The Big Scoop and a Preview of the New Justin Timberlake Album

6:35 If you know you never want to have long should you wait before telling someone you're dating?

7:35 We interview Breanna from "The O.C"

7:40 Should parents let thier kids drink Red Bull?

7:50 AJ vs the WOrld

8:00 HAve you ever caught someone talking ish about you because they didn't think you spoke thier language?

8:20 Big Scoop/ preview of new Justin Timberlake Album

8:35 Geena found 10 sign "he's not into you"

8:50 Geena's Blog

9:00 we interview Mario Lopez

9:20 AJ and Kalvin explain why "chick flicks" really are bad movies

9:45 win a game of "You Member?"

Talk with you in the morning!


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